Perhaps it is this feeling of loss for their coastline that makes Hungarians crazy about water. From the baths (built by the Ottomans in their century and a half of ruling
It's not exactly a beach, but they call everything, including swimming pools, the beach. The most popular beachside treat is langos, which is a deep fried flatbread.
It most commonly is served with sour cream and cheese.
But you can get all kinds of toppings like Mexikoi, which has some type of red sauce, or salami and onions.
You would think langos would be good with sugar like a funnel cake but that isn’t too popular. For dessert they eat this cylindrical sweet bread called kurtoskalacs.
They roast it on a spit like this.
To drink, like everywhere in
The promenade was lined with these little wine sellers. It was like
To eat with the wine, since it is a lake, they fry fish.
They usually just have onion, paprika, and some kind of fat (most likely lard); but we went with peppers and tomatoes too.
I`m so glad you got to try kurtoskala`cs. It was too late to tell you when I thought of it. People are crazy about la`ngos and kurtoskala`cs, ha?